Sally Struthers, renowned for her role as Gloria Stivic on “All in the Family,” has evolved from a young, insecure actress into a versatile performer with a career spanning decades. Born on July 28, 1947, in Portland, Oregon, Struthers initially struggled in her early twenties but found success with her groundbreaking role. Her personal life took a significant turn when she married psychiatrist William Rader and became a mother to their daughter, Samantha. Although the marriage ended in divorce, Struthers continued to captivate audiences with roles in “Nine to Five,” voice work in animated series, and her memorable part as Babette Dell on “Gilmore Girls.” Her vibrant personality and enduring charm have kept her in the spotlight, even into her seventies. In 2024, she joined Robert Reiner at the Emmys and continues to lend her voice to projects like “Not Quite Narwhal,” proving that her career is still going strong.
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